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English for Adults

English for Adults

At Papavarsami Language Schools we implement a pioneering method of teaching foreign languages to adults, combined with an analysis of their personal learning style.

The skills and confidence that the learner acquires in the language of their choice come from processes of broader personal development and understanding of their individual learning style, which includes unique strengths, capabilities, and weak areas.

The learner will gain qualifications beyond just fluent and skillful use of English. Developing personal flexibility in managing their skills will strengthen their overall position in the job market and enhance their professional identity..

Through the following practical examples, one can better understand the principles and parameters on which the method of teaching foreign languages for adults, at Papavarsami Language Schools is based.

  • You didn't "finish English" because you struggled with grammar. The system of the language remained a puzzle for you.

    This tends to happen when teachers lack methodological knowledge and rely on the outdated Grammar-Translation method, which supports learning through memorization and the application of rules, rather than through the practical use of the language in real-life situations.

    According to the principles of Psycholinguistics and Sociolinguistics, a second or third language is learned following the same laws as the mother tongue, in the sequence described below:

    Our mind is exposed to an environment where the language is used as a communication tool. It then begins to use it passively, understanding spoken and written language.

    Gradually, it enters the Inter-Language stage, where the learner moves to active knowledge, starting to use the language themselves to produce written and spoken language. Rules come last to explain functions and usage. At Papavarsami Language Schools, the teaching method is structured with these principles in mind, making the learning process easier and producing lasting results in a much shorter time.

  • After repeated attempts to learn, you believed that "maybe you just don't get it." Or you could never easily memorize rules.

    The prevailing teaching methods follow the sequence provided by the respective book, which is written aiming to cover the grammatical phenomena and vocabulary suggested at each level. Often, these books overlook the individual needs of each student, attempting to adapt their structure to a wider range of people.

    At Papavarsami Language School, the choice of educational material takes into account the different needs of each student, which are determined by their learning style and other critical learning parameters.

    The dominant learning styles are the following three:

    Auditory Type: You are close to this type if you find yourself reading aloud a text you want to learn.

    Visual Type: You are close to this type if it is enough for you to see something visually to learn it.

    Kinesthetic Type: You are close to this type if you need to write something down to understand and internalize it.

    At Papavarsami Language School, a lesson plan is created for each class with primary and secondary goals of the day, designed according to the learning preferences of the students.

  • You found it very boring and didn't feel like studying.

    The material and the choice of educational resources are crucial for the learner's progress. A densely written book and loaded pages can discourage even the strongest student. Learning occurs when our subconscious actively participates in the process. And this happens only when we are interested in what we are dealing with and find it enjoyable. Otherwise, we are doomed to forget what we forced ourselves to learn after a few days. (Hence the saying "Knowledge is three-day-long.")

    At Papavarsami Language School, the selection of educational material is made with consideration not only of the academic knowledge we want the student to acquire but also the learning process that will keep their interest and effectiveness high.

  • You were good at everything else but struggled with Speaking. You could understand it but couldn't speak or write it.

    The prevailing foreign language learning methods emphasize completing written exercises that apply forms and rules and memorizing vocabulary spelling. Thus, there is little or no time left for the development of oral skills. As a result, the student ends up with many books of completed exercises and little or no fluency in the language, while also believing that this is due to their own personal weakness rather than the poor and one-dimensional method with which they were taught.

    At Papavarsami Language School, the methods used prioritize developing comfortable language use so that the student gains a comparative advantage in their postgraduate studies and professional field.

Who it is for:

For the student who struggled to finish their English earlier and now needs to complete their studies in the language and move forward dynamically in their academic pursuits.

For the professional who needs to improve or recall their knowledge to broaden their professional capabilities.

For the employee aiming for more successful career development and needing to equip themselves with additional professional tools to secure a better position.

For all those in a transitional career stage aiming to enrich their qualifications as tools for professional advancement.

For the family person who does not have time for experiments and needs a targeted strategy and direct results.


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