English Classes
5-7The first contact with the language is encouraged, emphasizing oral speech through play, theater, song, fairy tales, music-movement exercises, crafts, drawing, and specially designed books.
7-9The first foundations are built; the child learns to read and write in a pleasant and creative way, supported by rich educational material and a variety of activities.
9-12The cognitive process is enriched and systematized, and the approach to other cultures is gradually achieved. Assimilation and enrichment of grammatical phenomena and vocabulary occur.
12-15The cognitive cycle that leads to exams for obtaining recognized certifications is completed.
English for Children
and Teens
Registrations have started! Take advantage of the summer preparation!
At Papavarsami tutoring centers, we prepare our students for the new school year.
The intensive 6-week summer courses help our students identify their gaps and clear up any questions they have. Our goal is for all our students to start the new year with confidence and a desire for learning, having overcome all their weaknesses in the English language through our reinforcement summer classes.
Suitable preparation for IELTS, TOEFL and TOEIC exams.
Intensive adult classes tailored to each individual's specific needs and learning styles.
Complete preparation for the special foreign language subjects for the Panhellenic Exams.
Fill in your details and start learning English now!