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Message from the Management


Learn Creatively

A message from the school's director, George Papavarsami.

At PAPAVARSAMI LANGUAGE SCHOOLS, we believe that success is not just about obtaining a recognized language proficiency certificate.

Success is demonstrated through the substantial knowledge that accompanies the lives of our young and older friends who trust us.

Because we don't measure teaching hours in minutes but in knowledge and activities that transform into new experiences for our students.

By combining knowledge with education and theory with educational activities, we create an experiential learning environment where the student plays an active role in the educational process.

It's not difficult to be a very good Foreign Language Center.

The challenge is to become the center of your students' development and success by offering not only educational knowledge but also life experiences.

And you achieve this only if you truly love what you do and feel the internal need to constantly improve at it.

We want this, and we prove it by adopting the most innovative educational methods that not only align with the modern digital age but are truly effective and offer personalized solutions for each student who trusts us.

We don't just create good students but well-rounded personalities who develop both inside and outside the classroom.

With innovative educational programs

With a modern educational perspective

With a strong pedagogical orientation

Through educational events, excursions, trips, theatrical performances, and activities

We promote students' creativity and imagination and help them make their dreams come true!